The PrEP Service in France posts materials

France was the first European country to approve the use of oral FTC/TDF for use as PrEP.  The Ipergay trial, led by Jean-Michel Molina, showed that "on demand" use of PrEP among gay and bisexual men prevents HIV acquisition.  Such on demand dosing involves taking 2 tablets before sex (ideally 2 to 24 hours before sex), a third tablet the day after sex, and a forth tablet 2 days after sex.  

The PrEP services in France allows gay and bisexual men to chose whether they will use PrEP "on-demand" or daily, as is recommended in the United States.  The European AIDS Clinical Society recommends daily oral PrEP, and "on-demand" dosing is an alternative for men who have sex with men.

Materials are now posted (all in French) on the sources page on  The materials include regulatory documents, the clinic SOP, materials of clients explaining how to get to the clinic, and infographics about how to use on-demand or daily PrEP.


 , submitted clinical and regulatory materials